Transmission of Family Businesses and the Continuity of Socioeconomic Value Creation in Morocco


  • Wafaa El Gouz Mohamed V University, Morocco
  • Azzeddine Allioui ESCA Ecole de Management, Morocco


The transfer of family enterprises has significant repercussions for the socioeconomic fabric of a society, and this paper looks into the particular situation of Morocco to examine the circumstances around this phenomenon. Family enterprises, which are an essential part of the economic landscape of the nation, provide a substantial contribution to the generation of socioeconomic value. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of passing family companies in Morocco in a thorough manner, with the specific goal of casting light on the obstacles, tactics, and results that are characteristic of this phenomena. We hope to make a significant contribution to the larger conversation about the sustainability and continuity of socioeconomic value creation within family businesses by conducting an investigation into the complex dynamics that are associated with the succession of business ownership in the Moroccan context. This paper seeks to broaden our awareness of the role that family enterprises play in the Moroccan economy and the influence that they have on the larger social and economic environment by making use of a comprehensive analysis of real-world situations and relevant literature. KEYWORDS: socioeconomic value, succession, family businesses



How to Cite

Gouz , W. E., & Allioui, A. (2024). Transmission of Family Businesses and the Continuity of Socioeconomic Value Creation in Morocco. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 9(2), 75-84. Retrieved from

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