SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00 Ioan Gheorghe Rotaru Open Journal Systems <p style="line-height: 12.6pt; background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 5.25pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;">SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research is an open access, blind peer-reviewed Journal published by the Scientia Moralitas Research Institute. </span></p> <p style="line-height: 12.6pt; background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 5.25pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;">SCIENTIA MORALITAS is a multidisciplinary journal publishing a wide range of high-quality papers in the field of humanities, education, theology and religion, human rights, economics, philosophy, juridical and political sciences, communication sciences, history, current events, legal and social issues, human behavior, ethics and AI in society, and impact of technology on society, among others.</span></p> <p style="line-height: 12.6pt; background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 5.25pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;">The Journal is registered with the Library of Congress (DC, USA): </span><a href=""><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #084f91;">ISSN 2472-5331</span></a><strong><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;"> </span></strong><a href=""><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #084f91;">(Print)</span></a><a href=""><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #084f91;"> ISSN 2472-5358</span></a><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;"> (Online) and is published twice a year in both print and online.</span></p> <p style="line-height: 12.6pt; background: white; margin: 0cm 0cm 5.25pt 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Lucida Grande'; color: #666666;">SCIENTIA MORALITAS Journal is indexed and abstracted in the following databases/resources: </span><a href=""><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; 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This study further explored why EOs lack self-effectiveness after re-entry into their community based on the quality of educational training received in the penal system. This study also examined the relationship between prison educational training of EOs in Kansas as the independent variable and their self-assessed effectiveness at their jobs as the dependent variable. The investigator surveyed a population of EOs working in the labor market in the eastern region of Kansas (Kansas City metropolitan). These EOs were working at different job classification levels of employment. The investigator developed a questionnaire for the instrument in this study and pilot-tested it. Five EOs, working in other occupations and of cultural backgrounds, acted as the pilot for the study. The investigator found the pilot helpful in shaping the research. Subsequently, 99 out of 125 recipients returned completed survey forms. This represented a 79.2% response rate. Used as computational formulas, the Pearson correlation coefficient, the Likert scale, and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha showed the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. KEYWORDS: self-effectiveness, correctional rehabilitation, correctional education, prison education, program effectiveness, prison education, prison vocational training, vocational education, prison vocational education 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Impact of Governance Practices in Family Businesses on Socioeconomic Value Creation in Morocco 2024-12-23T18:27:24+00:00 Wafaa E Gouz Azzeddine Allioui ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to make an investigation into the complex link that exists between the governance practices of family enterprises and the generation of socioeconomic value in the setting of Morocco. Family enterprises, which are a significant contributor to the economic landscape of the nation, are an essential component in the process of determining the socioeconomic growth of the nation. In this research, the primary objective is to examine of the governance structures that these businesses have chosen, as well as the ways in which these structures influence their capacity to produce value that goes beyond conventional financial advantages. By highlighting the significance of family companies in Morocco and the distinctive role they play in contributing to the larger socioeconomic fabric, the introduction establishes the context for the analysis that will follow. As we go through the next parts, we will dig further into the difficulties of governance in family businesses, focusing on how to navigate the delicate balance between professional management and familial relationships. An examination of the many different governance models that are widespread in Morocco is carried out in order to throw light on the consequences that various models have for decision-making procedures, transparency, and the long-term viability of these firms. The central focus of the paper is an investigation of the idea of socioeconomic value creation, with an emphasis on the multi-faceted character of this notion that extends beyond financial indicators. With a particular emphasis on the Moroccan setting, the research investigates the ways in which family companies, which are strongly established in cultural and community relations, make a constructive contribution to society. The purpose of this section is to emphasize the many ways in which these businesses have an influence on employment, community development, and social well-being. In conclusion, the results of this research provide useful insights into the essential role that governance practices within family companies play in influencing the contributions that these enterprises make to the socioeconomic growth of Morocco. It is crucial for policymakers, business executives, and academics who are interested in enhancing the good influence that family companies have on both the economic and social levels to have a solid understanding of these processes. KEYWORDS: family companies, Morocco, socioeconomic growth, governance 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Playground Between Preferences and Reality: A Pilot Study at the Belhamzaoui School in Annaba 2024-12-23T19:08:25+00:00 Nadia Zediri Meriem Radouane The significance of physical outdoor play is well-established, benefiting child development across multiple dimensions, including physical, psychological, social, and cognitive aspects. Given that children spend a significant portion of their time at school, it is crucial that their recreational needs are met through the outdoor spaces available within these institutions, primarily the playground. This study focuses on the primary users of this space—the students—and investigates their preferences regarding the use of the playground. We selected Belhamzaoui Abdelaziz School as a pilot case, developing criteria related to the configuration and design of the space, which guided the development of a student questionnaire and the conduct of field observations. The results of this study reveal the degree of alignment between the students' preferences and the existing conditions of the playground, providing insights that could guide potential redesigns, serve as a model for further analysis, or inform new designs. KEYWORDS: child, outdoor play, playground, elementary school, usage preferences 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Acceptance of Electric Vehicles: Critical Review Towards a Unified Research Concept 2024-12-23T19:13:38+00:00 Steffen Berg Mercedes Carmona Martínez Thomas Heupel In many countries, electric mobility, especially electrified vehicles, is seen as essential for moving towards a more efficient, cleaner, and ideally CO2-neutral way of personal transportation. Despite the considerable technological progress in electric mobility over the last decade, the challenge of public acceptance remains unresolved, raising concerns for both manufacturers and policymakers. This article first outlines the registration situation in Germany and then explains the political framework surrounding it. Following that, it presents the number of publications related to electric vehicles, placing them within the larger context of research on acceptance. Additionally, existing meta-analyses on electric mobility are reviewed to identify potential factors influencing the adoption of electric vehicles, including purchasing decisions and future ownership. Finally, the research question is framed within the literature on customer preferences, and an overview of the theoretical implications is discussed. KEYWORDS: technology acceptance, user acceptance, electric vehicle, electric mobility, consumer preferences 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Morality of Christian Love: A Theological and Ethical Perspective 2024-12-23T19:21:33+00:00 Corneliu Beneamin Buzguța ABSTRACT: This article examines the foundational role of Christian love, or agape, in defining Christian morality. Agape, understood as an unconditional, self-giving love that reflects God’s nature and commands, serves as the ethical cornerstone for both personal and societal relationships. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, and the Apostle John, the New Testament portrays agape as a divine command and the ultimate reflection of God’s character. Jesus’ Great Commandment and radical calls to love one’s enemies highlight agape as central to moral living, while Paul and John extend its theological and ethical dimensions, presenting it as the fulfillment of divine law and the hallmark of Christian discipleship. The study also explores theological perspectives on agape from key Christian thinkers, including Augustine of Hippo, Maximus the Confessor, Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Paul Fiddes. Their reflections emphasize agape as central to Christian ethics—whether as rightly ordered love, a cosmic force of unity, a gift of grace, or a relational participation in God’s Trinitarian life. Together, these perspectives reinforce the indispensability of agape to Christian moral thought. Finally, the article discusses the ethical implications of agape. On a personal level, it fosters humility, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Socially, it drives movements for justice, as exemplified by Martin Luther King Jr.’s advocacy for nonviolent resistance. Globally, it inspires action against poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, offering a framework for addressing contemporary ethical dilemmas. In conclusion, Christian love is not merely a component of Christian morality but its essence and foundation, calling individuals and communities to reflect God’s transformative love in all aspects of life. KEYWORDS: morality, Christian morality, agape, Christian love, ethics 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Occupational Stress Felt by Teachers and Students 2024-12-23T19:24:39+00:00 Maria Daniela Pipaş Janetta Sîrbu ABSTRACT: In fast-paced and demanding work environments such as education, occupational stress is a significant concern for all stakeholders. Occupational stress occurs when the demands of a job or organizational environment exceed an individual’s ability to cope, leading to a range of physical, emotional and psychological problems. As the nature of work evolves, understanding the causes, effects, and management strategies of occupational stress becomes increasingly important. Unfortunately, in educational environments, occupational stress affects both teachers and students. This stress can stem from various sources, including workload, expectations, and the emotional demands of the teaching and learning processes. Understanding the nature of this stress and its implications is crucial for fostering a healthier educational atmosphere. On the other hand, confronting stressors can lead to the emergence of adaptive mechanisms that will reduce the state of stress in subsequent interactions with different stressful situations. Although most of the time, stress only causes negative effects, such as reduced availability to communicate and interact with others (which can lead to social isolation and the appearance of negative transformations on an emotional, mental, or behavioral level), stress can also have a positive side, representing a challenge that will lead to personal development. KEYWORDS: occupational stress, coping, self-efficacy, anxiety, performance 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Transmission of Family Businesses and the Continuity of Socioeconomic Value Creation in Morocco 2024-12-23T19:27:23+00:00 Wafaa El Gouz Azzeddine Allioui The transfer of family enterprises has significant repercussions for the socioeconomic fabric of a society, and this paper looks into the particular situation of Morocco to examine the circumstances around this phenomenon. Family enterprises, which are an essential part of the economic landscape of the nation, provide a substantial contribution to the generation of socioeconomic value. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of passing family companies in Morocco in a thorough manner, with the specific goal of casting light on the obstacles, tactics, and results that are characteristic of this phenomena. We hope to make a significant contribution to the larger conversation about the sustainability and continuity of socioeconomic value creation within family businesses by conducting an investigation into the complex dynamics that are associated with the succession of business ownership in the Moroccan context. This paper seeks to broaden our awareness of the role that family enterprises play in the Moroccan economy and the influence that they have on the larger social and economic environment by making use of a comprehensive analysis of real-world situations and relevant literature. KEYWORDS: socioeconomic value, succession, family businesses 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Criminological Analysis of Psychological Trauma and the Behavior of the Victim of Childhood Maltreatment 2024-12-23T19:31:02+00:00 Gabriel Tănasescu This study analyzes psychological trauma as a unique, devastating, suffering-filled experience that the victim experiences and cannot escape from. The consequences of childhood sexual abuse fundamentally change the victim's perception of social values, forming a devalued perception of their own identity. The history of the victim's behavior is represented by a chain of moral feelings and experiences, with the survivor's personality defined by the essence of these emotions, hidden and separated in another identity for fear of not having discovered the truth of their trauma. Out of the desire to escape the unbearable guilt complex, the victim, who has become a young adult, renounces the moral function and objectifies his will within the criminogenic process in order to satisfy the demands of uncontrollable destructive drives. An unusual transference process takes place: the young adult, a victim of sexual abuse in childhood, discovers in his affective memory a compulsive admiration for the will to power of the one who mistreated him. The aggressor is perceived by the traumatized one in a distorted way as an individual who will never know suffering because he uses violence and has absolute power over the victim. By taking action, the victim who has become an aggressor tries to escape the trauma and humiliation. KEYWORDS: psychological trauma, maltreatment, homicidal ideation, will objectification 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Saint Nino, Saint Queen Shushanik and Assyrian Holy Fathers: Radiant Stars of the Apostolic Church of Georgia 2024-12-23T19:33:27+00:00 Revazi Tughushi This article explores the significant contributions of Saints’ activity to the Apostolic Church of Georgia. Among the twelve apostles of Jesus, Andrew the First-Called preached in Georgia, and his work was continued in the 4th century by St. Nino, who was later called the Enlightener of Georgians. The merits of the holy Queen Shushaniki, who devoted herself to sacred activities in the 5th century, have been covered with halo. The contributions of the holy Assyrian fathers as defenders of Chalcedonism and revivers of monastic life in Georgia are also immeasurable. The Apostolic Church of Georgia has always defended and remained loyal to the canon law, which means that it has never violated issue of church jurisdiction. “Soviet historiography" emerged during the Soviet period , and the highly authoritative publication of the Moscow Patriarchate, the "Orthodox Encyclopedia," is currently based on it. Accordingly, the Orthodox Encyclopedia of Soviet historiography claims that the Georgian Church invaded the borders of the Catholicate of Albania and appropriated those territories. This information is incorrect and does not reflect reality. According to the theory presented in the "Orthodox Encyclopedia" and the accompanying map, the indigenous territories of Georgia with their cities are included in the Catholicate of the Caucasus Albania: Bodbe, Gurjaani, Khashmi, Sagarejo, and the Davit Gareji monastery complex. The saints mentioned in the article were not only spiritual leaders but also prominent public figures who played vital roles in the cultural and social development of Georgia. KEYWORDS: sainthood, jurisdiction, history of Apostolic Church of Georgia, canon law, hagiography 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Objectives, Subject and Scope of Personality Study in Forensic Tactics 2024-12-23T19:37:34+00:00 Nicoleta-Elena Hegheș Vitalie Jitariuc The forensic study of personality should be understood as the acquisition of criminally relevant information about the offender, the victim of the crime, as well as the accused, the victim, and other participants in the investigation process. Thus, this information includes details about their inherent anatomical, biological, psychological, and social properties, which are necessary both for the identification of personality and for solving tactical tasks and establishing the actual picture of the crime event in the process of its detection and investigation, as well as for use in the implementation of forensic prevention. The criminalistic study of personality is one of the mutually conditioned, interrelated and important elements of the multidisciplinary and multidimensional study of personality as a subject of legal relations in the field of combating crime, which is disclosed in relation to the solution of criminal law, criminological, criminal procedural, operational and investigative, penitentiary tasks. KEYWORDS: personality, tactical impact, tactical tasks 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Judicial Individualization of Punishments in Romanian Criminal Law 2024-12-23T19:40:25+00:00 Gabriel-Alin Ciocoiu This study focuses on the judicial individualization of punishments, a fundamental principle of Romanian criminal law as provided in the Romanian Criminal Code. It aims to explain how this principle serves to adapt sanctions based on the gravity of the crime, the social danger it represents, as well as to the particularities of the offender. The purpose of judicial individualization is to ensure the application of fair, proportionate and efficient punishment, in accordance with the preventive and educational functions of criminal sanctions. KEYWORDS: judicial individualization, punishments, dangerousness, gravity, consequences 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Editorial 2024-12-23T18:12:06+00:00 Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru In recent years, the concept of emotional intelligence has gained significant attention, highlighting its significant role in every individual's life. But what do we do when society and the trends go in a different direction, and what we think is right does not fit in with what is happening in society? For a very long time, IQ (cognitive or academic intelligence quotient) has been, and still is, a very good predictor of success. The more intellectually gifted a person is, the better positioned they are believed to be for achieving their goals in both personal and professional life. However, it has been observed that this is not always the case. We may know in our circle of acquaintances or friends, people who, despite being extremely intellectually gifted and scoring high on intelligence tests, have an IQ well above average, yet surprisingly, they fail in life to match their intelligence. They often face challenges in reaching their aspirations, building fulfilling careers, and even managing personal relationships. The reason for this state of affairs seems to be that components related to emotional intelligence may be significantly more important than IQ in achieving success. IQ measures a type of intelligence that refers to an individual's intellectual abilities, their ability to analyze and synthesize, their ability to work with abstract elements in their mind, ability to establish logical relationships between elements, how much they can learn, their ability to operate with new things, etc. These things are extremely important, but this type of intelligence is inert, meaning that this type of intelligence is just a tool. There is no doubt that for success, it is important to have very good intelligence, like an advanced and very sharp tool, but that is not enough. How you use that tool, that kind of intelligence matters more, and if the cognitive intelligence measured by IQ governs the act of knowing, the emotional intelligence part of it is the one that governs the action, the way you use what you know, for example, and the results in life, whether we like it or not, are not just in what you know, but in what you do. 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024