The Role and Importance of the Integrity Public Advertiser in Professional Ethics


  • Otilia Manta Romanian Academy, Center for Financial and Monetary Research - Victor Slavescu, Bucharest, Romania;


integrity, ethics, morality


The public integrity warning appeared more than 30 years ago in America and the western states, having the fundamental role of protecting the existing ethical and moral values at the level of public and private institutions. Although in the literature, the integrity warning , has been defined as a person who discloses to the public or the authorities immoral or illegal activities carried out in a government department, a public or private organization, or a company, through this paper, we intend to emphasize that the activity of the whistleblower contributes directly to the promotion at the institutional level of professional ethics and observance of procedural rules in the behavior of each individual at the level of each institution, respectively its direct involvement in the supervision and concordant support of internal procedures and activity in accordance with the applicable legislative and normative framework; moreover ensuring that this regulatory framework is respected and complied with.



How to Cite

Manta, O. (2020). The Role and Importance of the Integrity Public Advertiser in Professional Ethics. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 5(1), 73-86. Retrieved from