Human Dignity — An Economic Approach
Attention to human dignity is re?ected in the economic life of the individual. This paper explores the interplay of human dignity and basic socio-economic rights of human beings. Access to basic economic and social services is crucial, not only to people´s physical basic needs, but also to enable the development of their potential to shape their own lives and to be active agents in the shaping of a “digni?ed society”. Human dignity as a relational concept requires society to respect the equal worth of all the people regardless of gender and social or economic status.
KEY WORDS: human dignity, human rights, economic rights, value, duties (moral), respect, human being and principles.
How to Cite
Ivascu, L. . (2016). Human Dignity — An Economic Approach. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 1(1), 44-54. Retrieved from