The Morality of Christian Love: A Theological and Ethical Perspective
ABSTRACT: This article examines the foundational role of Christian love, or agape, in defining Christian morality. Agape, understood as an unconditional, self-giving love that reflects God’s nature and commands, serves as the ethical cornerstone for both personal and societal relationships. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, and the Apostle John, the New Testament portrays agape as a divine command and the ultimate reflection of God’s character. Jesus’ Great Commandment and radical calls to love one’s enemies highlight agape as central to moral living, while Paul and John extend its theological and ethical dimensions, presenting it as the fulfillment of divine law and the hallmark of Christian discipleship. The study also explores theological perspectives on agape from key Christian thinkers, including Augustine of Hippo, Maximus the Confessor, Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Paul Fiddes. Their reflections emphasize agape as central to Christian ethics—whether as rightly ordered love, a cosmic force of unity, a gift of grace, or a relational participation in God’s Trinitarian life. Together, these perspectives reinforce the indispensability of agape to Christian moral thought. Finally, the article discusses the ethical implications of agape. On a personal level, it fosters humility, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Socially, it drives movements for justice, as exemplified by Martin Luther King Jr.’s advocacy for nonviolent resistance. Globally, it inspires action against poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation, offering a framework for addressing contemporary ethical dilemmas. In conclusion, Christian love is not merely a component of Christian morality but its essence and foundation, calling individuals and communities to reflect God’s transformative love in all aspects of life. KEYWORDS: morality, Christian morality, agape, Christian love, ethicsPublished
How to Cite
Buzguța, C. B. (2024). The Morality of Christian Love: A Theological and Ethical Perspective. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 9(2), 53-64. Retrieved from
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