Confrontation: Procedural-Criminal and Tactical-Criminalistic Aspects


  • Nicoleta-Elena Hegheș Researcher 2nd Degree, “Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania,  Professor, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Bucharest, Romania,
  • Vitalie Jitariuc PhD, Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Republic of Moldova


confrontation, prosecution action, evidentiary procedure, means of proof, ontradictions, criminal investigation, witness, party injured, procedural quality


In the context of criminal prosecution, confrontation is an important element, particularly relevant for confirming and refuting the various versions exposed during the criminal prosecution. The main objective of confrontation is to elucidate the true circumstances of the case and eliminate significant inconsistencies identified in the previous statements of witnesses, suspects and accused. When the prosecuting officer decides to conduct the confrontation, it is imperative to show confidence in the ability of the participant who provided a truthful statement to withstand the psychological pressure associated with this procedure. The participant in the confrontation must be prepared and immune to any attempt by another participant to influence the modification or retraction of his statement. At the same time, in the phase preceding the confrontation, the criminal investigation officer must develop a strategic plan, including formulating the relevant questions, establishing the order of questioning of the participants and outlining the tactics to be applied within this procedure. Any violations or errors in the conduct of the confrontation can have a substantial impact on the completeness of the prosecution. From this perspective, elucidating the essence of the confrontation not only contributes theoretically, but also holds essential practical significance in the context of the effective and complete conduct of criminal prosecutions.

Author Biographies

Nicoleta-Elena Hegheș, Researcher 2nd Degree, “Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania,  Professor, PhD, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University of Bucharest, Romania,

Vice-president of the Romanian Forensic Scientists Association, Bucharest, Romania

Vitalie Jitariuc, PhD, Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu”, Republic of Moldova

Dean of Faculty of Law and Public Administration,



How to Cite

Hegheș, N.-E., & Jitariuc, V. (2024). Confrontation: Procedural-Criminal and Tactical-Criminalistic Aspects. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 9(1), 79-91. Retrieved from

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