Ethics and Academic Integrity – Conceptual Aspects
The present society promotes the individual or of group values. In the academic environment, the axiology – as science of the values – is based on two important pillars: the ethics and the integrity. The applied ethics and the academic integrity are complementary, interdisciplinary in a university environment, capable of elaborating principles, of nominating values and norms staying at the basis of the professors’ conduct and, equally, at the basis of the conduct of the students engaged in the educational process. The main specific concepts of the academic ethics and integrity, including their applying, are important for the didactic and research career, for the moral posture it has always been a central landmark of the professionalism. Key words: integrity, ethics, academic integrity, professional deontology, plagiaryPublished
How to Cite
Himcinschi , M. . (2021). Ethics and Academic Integrity – Conceptual Aspects. SCIENTIA MORALITAS - International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research , 6(2), 164-190. Retrieved from
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